HTML Dog window.onload = function() { var computeButton = document.getElementById("Calcular"); computeButton.onclick = intlag; }; function intlag() { var coordx = document.getElementById("CoordenadaX").value; var coordy = document.getElementById("CoordenadaY").value; var x = document.getElementById("Xinterpolar").value; var answer = document.getElementById("Respuesta"); var vx = coordx.split(" "); var vy = coordy.split(" "); var result = lagrange(vx, vy, x); answer.innerHTML = result; } function lagrange(vx, vy, x) { var suma=0; var prod; for (var j=0; j < vx.length ; j++) { prod=1; for (var i=0; i < vx.length ; i++) if (i!=j) prod *= (x - vx[i])/(vx[j]-vx[i]); suma += prod * vy[j]; } return suma; } var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'); var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); //var graph = new Graph(context,-4,4,-10,10,275,210,450,350); //var graph = new Graph(context,-2.5,2.5,-10,10,275,210,450,350); //var graph = new Graph(context,-3,3,0,20,275,380,480,350); var graph = new Graph(context,-3,3,0,1,275,380,480,350); graph.drawgrid(1,0.2,0.2,0.05); //graph.drawgrid(1,0.2,5,1); //graph.drawgrid(0.5,0.1,2,0.5); graph.drawaxes('x','y'); var xA = new Array(); var yA = new Array(); var y1A = new Array(); for (var i=0; i<=100; i++){ //xA[i] = (i-50)*0.08; xA[i] = (i-50)*0.06; //xA[i] = (i-50)*0.05; yA[i] = f(xA[i]); //y1A[i] = f(-xA[i]); } graph.plot(xA,yA,'#ff0000',false,true); //graph.plot(xA,y1A,'#0000ff',false,true); graph.plot(xA,y1A,'#0000ff',true,false); function f(x){ var y; y =1/ (1 + 25*x*x); //y = Math.exp(x); //y = -0.5*Math.pow(x,5) + 3*Math.pow(x,3) + x*x - 2*x - 3; //y = x*x*x + x*x - 2*x - 3; //y = x*x - 2*x - 3; //y = 2*x + 1; return y; } function Graph(context,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,x0,y0,xwidth,ywidth) { // VARIABLE DECLARATIONS // canvas context on which to draw graph instance var ctx = context; // location of origin (in pixels) in parent document var x_orig; var y_orig; // overall width and height of graph in pixels var x_width; var y_width; // min and max of x and y relative to origin (in pixels) var x_min_rel; var x_max_rel; var y_min_rel; var y_max_rel; // obvious var x_tick_major; var x_tick_minor; var y_tick_major; var y_tick_minor; // scaling used in displaying values on the axes var x_displ_scal; var y_displ_scal; // width and height of textbox used for displaying values on the axes // this should not have to be tampered with (I hope) var tw=15; var th=20; // declarations for quantities to be used later var x_min; var x_max; var y_min; var y_max; var xx; var yy; var x_displ; var y_displ; var txpos; var typos; // PARAMETER ASSIGNMENTS // assign parameter values based on specified arguments x_orig=x0; y_orig=y0; x_width=xwidth; y_width=ywidth; // x_displ_scal=(xmax-xmin)/xwidth; y_displ_scal=(ymax-ymin)/ywidth; // x_min_rel=xmin/x_displ_scal; x_max_rel=xmax/x_displ_scal; y_min_rel=ymin/y_displ_scal; y_max_rel=ymax/y_displ_scal; // convert to absolute coordinates x_min=x_min_rel + x_orig; x_max=x_max_rel + x_orig; y_min=y_orig - y_min_rel; y_max=y_orig - y_max_rel; txpos=x_orig - tw; typos=y_orig; // METHODS // DRAW GRID: draw major, minor lines and display values this.drawgrid = function(xmajor,xminor,ymajor,yminor){ x_tick_major=xmajor/x_displ_scal; x_tick_minor=xminor/x_displ_scal; y_tick_major=ymajor/y_displ_scal; y_tick_minor=yminor/y_displ_scal; // draw major grid lines ctx.strokeStyle = '#999999'; ctx.lineWidth = 1; ctx.beginPath() ; yy=y_max; do { ctx.moveTo(x_min,yy); ctx.lineTo(x_max,yy); yy+= y_tick_major; } while (yy <= y_min); xx=x_min; do { ctx.moveTo(xx,y_min); ctx.lineTo(xx,y_max); xx+= x_tick_major; } while (xx <= x_max); ctx.stroke(); // draw minor grid lines ctx.strokeStyle = '#cccccc'; ctx.lineWidth = 1; ctx.beginPath() ; yy=y_max; do { ctx.moveTo(x_min,yy); ctx.lineTo(x_max,yy); yy+= y_tick_minor; } while (yy <= y_min); xx=x_min; do { ctx.moveTo(xx,y_min); ctx.lineTo(xx,y_max); xx+= x_tick_minor; } while (xx <= x_max); ctx.stroke(); //display values ctx.font = "10pt Arial"; ctx.fillStyle = '#000000'; ctx.textAlign = "right"; ctx.textBaseline = "top"; yy=y_max; do { y_displ=(y_orig - yy) * y_displ_scal; ctx.fillText(y_displ,txpos + 5,yy - th / 2); yy+= y_tick_major; } while (yy <= y_min); ctx.textAlign = "left"; ctx.textBaseline = "top"; xx=x_min; do { x_displ=(xx - x_orig) * x_displ_scal; ctx.fillText(x_displ,xx - tw + 10,typos + 5); xx+= x_tick_major; } while (xx <= x_max); }; // DRAW AXES: draw axes and labels this.drawaxes = function (xlabel,ylabel){ if(typeof(xlabel)==='undefined') xlabel = 'x'; if(typeof(ylabel)==='undefined') ylabel = 'y'; ctx.strokeStyle = '#000000'; ctx.lineWidth = 2; ctx.beginPath() ; ctx.moveTo(x_min,y_orig); ctx.lineTo(x_max,y_orig); ctx.moveTo(x_orig,y_min); ctx.lineTo(x_orig,y_max); ctx.stroke(); //axis labels ctx.font = "12pt Arial"; ctx.fillStyle = '#000000'; ctx.textAlign = "left"; ctx.textBaseline = "top"; ctx.fillText(xlabel,x_max + 0.75 * tw,typos - th / 2); ctx.fillText(ylabel,txpos + tw / 2 +5,y_max - 1.5 * th); }; // PLOT DATA: plot data this.plot = function (xArr, yArr, pColor, pDots, pLine){ // the last three arguments have default values if(typeof(pColor)==='undefined') pColor = '#0000ff'; if(typeof(pDots)==='undefined') pDots = true; if(typeof(pLine)==='undefined') pLine = true; var xpos=x_orig+xArr[0]/x_displ_scal; var ypos=y_orig-yArr[0]/y_displ_scal; ctx.strokeStyle = pColor; ctx.lineWidth = 1; ctx.beginPath() ; ctx.moveTo(xpos,ypos); ctx.arc(xpos,ypos,1,0,2*Math.PI,true); for (var i=1; i